Farewell Celebration (Wednesday 26 Sha’aban 1432 / 27 July 2011)

The Chair of Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers arranged a celebration party for Dr. Moujahed Ahmed Kau, Consultant of Virology at the Special Infectious Disease Unit at King Fahad Research Centre, King Abdulaziz University.
During the ceremony, certificates of thanks and appreciation were presented to Dr. / Mujahid Ahmed Kao for his sincere and distinguished efforts through his work with the Chair, resulting in thanks to Almighty God for many scientific achievements in the field of Alkhumra virus research.
Furthermore, certificates of thanks and appreciation were presented to the laboratory specialist Mr. Azad Gudos, and Miss Ohood Naser Alyafeae, for their outstanding efforts and entrusted laboratory tasks achievements during their work with the chair.

Last Update
2/13/2012 1:48:05 AM

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