
Ø National Level Collaborations:

Collaborators With The Chair from The Ministry of Health To Conduct The Medical Research Of Alkhumra in Humans:
His Excellency, The Minister Of Health, Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabieaa.
for The Executive Under Secretary, Dr. Mansour Al-Hawas.
Deputy Under Secretary for Preventive Medcine, Dr. Ziad Mimish.
General District Director for Medical Affairs, Makkah Mukarama, Dr. Khaled Al-Zafar.
General District Director for Medical Affairs, Najran, Dr. Yahiya Al-Showail.
General District for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Ministry of Health, Dr. Rafat Hakeem.
Director for Health Affairs at Makkah Mukarama, Dr. Talib Al-Hugaili.
Director for Health Affairs at Jeddah District, Dr. Sami Badawood.
Director of the Infectious Disease Administration, Ministry of Health, Dr. Ahmed Naser.
Director of Preventive Medicine Adminitration, Minisrty of Health, NAjran, Mr. Abdallah Al-Muhzil.
Preventive Medicine Administration, Najran, Dr. Mohammed Bashir.

· Director of the Laboratories, King Khaled Hospital, Najran, Mr. Nashir Al-Sedran.
Vector Control Section, Preventive Medicine Administration, Najran, Mr. Hussein Al-Sugoor.
Collaborators with The Chair to Conduct the Veterinary Research:
Dr. Mohammed Bashir, Veterinarian.
Collaborators will be invited to participate in the veterinary research Pertinent to the chair. They will be from the Ministry of the Agriculture, the Ministry of Municipality, the Commission for Wildlife Conservation and the Islamic Bank, and is according to the locality which the research will be done.
Collaborative Researches on Vector (s) Studies:
Prof. Khaled Al-Ghamdi, Professor of Entomology, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University.
Dr. Mohammed Salem, Ph.D. in Ticks, USA.
Gazem Abdullah Mahayoob, Post-graduate student in Entomology.
International Level Collaborations:
Prof. Thomas Ksiazek, Professor of Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers, Galveston Laboratory, Texas University; and the Former Director of the special infectious Unit at the CDC, Atlanta, USA; part-time Consultant.
Dr. Nadarj, Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Specialist, Germany.

Last Update
6/7/2011 11:26:43 AM